Blog Archive

5 Ways to Adapt to and Make the Most of Your Hearing Aids Jul 22nd, 2024

It’s easy to think that the hard work is over once you pick up your hearing aids. However, it can take up to four weeks for your brain to adjust to the sounds that it’s now hearing. It may be surprising that areas of the ear and brain can become...

Misophonia: Understanding Your Treatment Options Jun 19th, 2024

Adjusting to life with a hearing disorder isn’t easy.  However, it’s especially challenging when you have an adverse reaction to everyday sounds, like someone tapping their fingers or chewing. After all, these sounds can be impossible to avoid and trigger a panic or rage that seems impossible to control. That...

When to See a Specialist About Hearing Changes May 15th, 2024

It can be tricky knowing the best course of action, especially with the things that involve your health. After all, an ache or pain from time to time is completely normal — so is a headache. So, shouldn’t you expect hearing changes as well, especially if you’re getting older? While...

Hyperacusis and PTSD: How Are They Linked? Apr 1st, 2024

It’s a noisy world. Even when you try to sit in perfect silence, there’s often the constant hum of a household device or lightbulb nearby. And for people with hyperacusis, it’s often those “quiet” everyday sounds that cause the most distress.  Hyperacusis is the technical term for this rare hearing...

When the World Seems Loud: Telltale Signs of Hyperacusis Feb 26th, 2024

People often associate hearing disorders with not being able to hear. However, hyperacusis is precisely the opposite problem — sounds at a normal or soft volume can seem unbearably loud. This sensitivity to sound can significantly impact everyday life, take a toll on a person’s mental health, and lead to...

6 Factors That Fuel Tinnitus Symptoms Feb 6th, 2024

Did you know that over 50 million Americans live with tinnitus? And for nearly 20 million of them, their symptoms don’t go away. This condition means a person hears sounds that others do not, such as: Roaring Ringing or whistling Buzzing, hissing, or sizzling Clicking Fluttering  And, sometimes, it doesn’t...

What Type of Hearing Aid Is Right for Me? Jan 17th, 2024

People of every age and walk of life can experience hearing loss. Unfortunately, many who could benefit from hearing aids delay treatment until their symptoms are so profound that they can’t communicate, even in the most optimal environments. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Advancements in technology have...

How to Prevent Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Dec 5th, 2023

You may associate aging with hearing loss, but there’s a much bigger problem causing issues with how you hear sounds — and it occurs in people of all ages. We’re talking about noise. Research estimates that approximately 12.5% of people age 6-19 and 17% of those age 20-69 have sustained...

7 Things That May Trigger Your Misophonia Nov 1st, 2023

It’s only natural to get aggravated by certain sounds — like nails on a chalkboard. But sound sensitivity goes beyond that with misophonia.  Misophonia describes a hypersensitivity to small or repeated sounds that make them unbearable. The sound can even cause extreme distress, forcing someone to leave the room, cover...

When Is a Hearing Test Necessary? Oct 1st, 2023

Did you know that one in eight Americans over age 12 have lost some hearing in both ears? Unfortunately, people experiencing hearing loss often wait about seven years before seeking help. But why? Unlike a painful twist of an ankle or a pounding headache, hearing loss often develops gradually. That makes it much harder...

Could My Musical Child Benefit From Earmolds? Sep 1st, 2023

People often think that hearing loss is an inevitable part of aging. However, it can happen at any age, and it’s becoming increasingly common with young people. Why? Frequent exposure to loud noise. The ears may be small, but they’re incredibly important, and their delicate structures are highly susceptible to...

How Bell’s Palsy Can Affect Your Hearing Aug 1st, 2023

When people think of hearing problems, they often focus on hearing loss. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Audiology experts specialize in diagnosing and treating a wide range of hearing issues, including misophonia, hyperacusis, and tinnitus. They even offer personalized guidance in hearing protection, including assistive earmolds. Because people can experience so...

What Causes Hearing Loss? Jul 11th, 2023

People often associate hearing loss with older adults. And while it’s common to experience age-related aural changes, hearing loss can develop at any age. It’s also becoming increasingly common in younger people, including one in eight children age 12 and older.  Kevin Sharim and his skilled audiologists help people of...

How Long Does It Take to Get Used to Hearing Aids? Jun 1st, 2023

It’s no secret that technology has advanced significantly in recent years, especially for devices used to improve hearing. That also means there isn’t a one-size-fits-all option for hearing aids. Instead, manufacturers offer a variety of styles and sizes to provide the perfect solution for every need and lifestyle. Sharp Hearing...

Is There a Cure for Tinnitus? May 11th, 2023

Tinnitus is a challenging condition because you hear sounds that others don’t. It can affect one or both ears, remain constant or come and go, and even be so severe that it interferes with your ability to concentrate or hear external sounds in your environment. Fortunately, there’s good news — you...

The Link Between Autism and Hyperacusis Apr 6th, 2023

Most people have heard an abnormally loud or uncomfortable sound at some point. However, when you have a noise sensitivity disorder like hyperacusis, even everyday sounds can cause a reaction that makes them difficult or impossible to tolerate. In fact, hyperacusis can make it challenging to go out in public...

When Would I Need an ALD? Mar 10th, 2023

People often focus on hearing aids when trying to find ways to improve the sounds they hear. However, advancements in technology have created innovations that go far beyond hearing aids alone. One of these areas involves assistive listening devices (ALDs). Also known as assistive listening systems, ALDs offer numerous benefits....

How Often Should I Schedule a Hearing Test for My Child? Feb 15th, 2023

Your baby may have gotten their hearing checked before leaving the hospital. However, that doesn’t mean you can cross this important screening off your list. Hearing tests should be part of their regular checkups well into their teen years to detect problems hearing or understanding sounds as early as possible....

Who Should Consider Getting Earmolds? Jan 12th, 2023

Earmolds serve numerous functions. However, one common use involves hearing protection. Studies show that approximately 36 million American adults have hearing loss affecting one or both ears. And for many people, it occurs gradually and without pain, often from continuous exposure to loud noises. Noise-induced hearing loss can occur because...

6 Noises That Signal You May Have Tinnitus Dec 7th, 2022

Tinnitus is a medical term that describes hearing noises when no outside source is present. Almost everyone experiences this phenomenon from time to time, but it usually doesn’t last long. For 20% of people, however, tinnitus causes recurring or persistent sound that can bring about significant stress and even affect...

What No One Understands About Misophonia Nov 1st, 2022

People often associate sound disorders with difficulty hearing things. However, sometimes the exact opposite is true — people can have an oversensitivity to sound. In these cases, noises that seem normal to one person can seem unbearably disruptive to others or even cause an extreme emotional response.  Our Sharp Hearing Care Professionals team includes...

Helping a Loved One Cope With Hearing Loss Oct 7th, 2022

Hearing loss is a common problem. An estimated one-third of people ages 65-74 has hearing loss, and these rates increase to almost half of those 75 and older. Even though it’s common, that doesn’t mean people want to admit they have a problem, and it can leave a person isolated...

My Child Has a Hearing Problem. Now What? Sep 13th, 2022

Hearing problems in children can be temporary or permanent. However, that doesn’t make the news any less upsetting as a parent. But you should know that you’re not alone. Our highly qualified audiologists and hearing aid specialists at Sharp Hearing Care Professionals work tirelessly to ensure all of our patients...

Lifestyle Adjustments You Can Make to Manage Misophonia Aug 1st, 2022

Most people have at least one sound that they find irritating or annoying. But an estimated 20% of people live with a medical condition that can make the smallest sounds downright unbearable, especially when other people make them.  This issue, known as misophonia or selective sound sensitivity syndrome, causes extreme and emotional reactions to...

What to Expect After a Hearing Evaluation Jul 12th, 2022

If you’ve noticed changes in your hearing, you’re not alone. Approximately 16% of American adults have hearing trouble, including nearly 50% of those over age 65.  While hearing loss may be common, many types are not only treatable but preventable. That makes finding expert care crucial when you notice changes in your hearing. At Sharp Hearing...

How Does Aging Affect Hearing? Jun 1st, 2022

Your body changes as you get older. Your hair goes gray, your eyes may become more sensitive to light, and your skin becomes thinner and less flexible. Aging can affect your hearing, too. Physiological changes that occur over time can lead to hearing loss. In fact, approximately one-third of adults ages...

6 Essential Tips for Protecting Your Child from Sound-Induced Hearing Loss May 1st, 2022

Human hearing is an amazing process. You can hear sounds in your environment when sound waves travel into the ear canal and cause the eardrum to vibrate. Those vibrations lead tiny hair cells in the inner ear to convert vibrations into electrical signals that the brain recognizes as sound. When...

How Head Injuries Affect Hearing and Balance Apr 1st, 2022

Trauma from falls, auto accidents, sports injuries, and physical violence can cause various types of damage to your head and body. In fact, even mild trauma can negatively affect your health. Injuries that you might think of as relatively harmless may cause more damage than you realize. Among the lesser-known...

Managing Your Misophonia: Tips and Tricks Mar 3rd, 2022

If you have misophonia, you know how frustrating it can be. Misophonia is a condition in which certain types of sounds can cause you to experience an intense emotional or physical response. For example, the sound of someone chewing their food or drumming their fingers on a tabletop could cause...

Why You Shouldn't Delay a Needed Hearing Test Feb 1st, 2022

We live busy lives. We go to work, spend time with family and friends, take care of household chores, do our favorite activities, and travel. There's so much to do, and so few hours in the day. No matter how busy you are, though, it's crucial to make your health...

When to Replace Your Hearing Aid Jan 3rd, 2022

If you wear hearing aids, you're not alone. More than 7% of adults over the age of 45 use a hearing aid, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hearing aids help people who have trouble hearing by amplifying sounds. They are complex devices that can bring about...

6 Causes of Tinnitus Dec 5th, 2021

Many different conditions can affect your hearing. One of them is tinnitus, which causes you to hear sounds, tones, or noises that are not produced by things in your environment. If you have tinnitus, you're not alone. Tinnitus affects approximately 10 million Americans, according to the National Institute on Deafness...

Preventing Occupational Hearing Loss Nov 1st, 2021

Noise is a major contributor to hearing loss. Loud sounds can cause damage to tiny hair cells (stereocilia) within your ears that play an important role in hearing. These hair cells cannot grow back, so once they are damaged, they are lost forever. Loud noises can harm your hearing in...

How To Encourage a Loved With Hearing Loss To Seek Help Oct 4th, 2021

Hearing loss is a common health problem that impacts more than 15% of American adults, including more than a third of people over age 65. That's the bad news. But the good news is that we have more ways than ever before to help people with hearing loss, including highly...

The Association Between Hearing Loss and Dementia and What You Can Do About It Sep 5th, 2021

If you pay attention to medical news, you may have heard that scientists are discovering connections between hearing loss and dementia. These reports may worry you, especially if you are already experiencing hearing loss. Fortunately, it's never too late to take steps to protect your hearing and lower your risk...

When To Consider an Audiology Consultation Aug 5th, 2021

Hearing loss is surprisingly common. It affects people of all ages, from young children to older adults. You may be born with it, or you may develop it as part of the aging process or as a result of environmental exposure to loud noise. It may also occur after an...

Understanding Ménière’s Disease Jul 19th, 2021

There are many conditions that can affect your ears and your hearing. One of them is Ménière’s disease, which affects between 600,000 and 750,000 people in the United States, according to the Hearing Health Foundation. Ménière’s disease is a disorder that can cause a variety of symptoms, including severe dizziness...

Love Swimming but Not the Water in Your Ears? Try Earmolds Jun 15th, 2021

Swimming is such an enjoyable activity. Whether you swim in a lake, a pond, the ocean, or your favorite indoor or outdoor pool, it is a wonderful way to be active and enjoy spending time with family and friends. Swimming is also an excellent fitness activity. It burns calories, builds...

Do You Have Tinnitus? May 10th, 2021

Hearing loss is a very common problem in the U.S. In fact, about 15% of American adults report having some type of hearing problem, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). There are many different types of hearing loss and conditions that affect your hearing....

Who Needs Assistive Listening Devices? Apr 7th, 2021

Are you having trouble hearing? Do you hesitate to call friends or family because you don’t want to keep asking them to repeat themselves? Do you shy away from performances or classes because you can’t catch what’s being said? Do you turn the television up so loud the people next...

Adjusting to Life With Hearing Aids Mar 7th, 2021

If you need hearing aids, you’re not alone. Some 28.8 million adults in the United States could benefit from using hearing aids, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Hearing aids are electronic devices that improve your hearing by making sounds louder. However, they do take...

4 Causes of Hearing Loss Feb 8th, 2021

Hearing loss is very common in adults. About 15% of Americans over age 18 have a problem hearing, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Hearing loss worsens with age, affecting nearly half of those over age 75. Although hearing loss is a common problem, it...

Misophonia: Is It All in Your Head? Jan 6th, 2021

If you’ve never heard of misophonia, you’re not alone. Many people are unaware of this hearing-related condition. But even if you haven’t heard of it, you should know about it, because if you have misophonia, it can cause frustrating symptoms that can interfere with your quality of life. Misophonia is...

What Do All These Phantom Noises Mean? Dec 2nd, 2020

Do you sometimes hear ringing in your ears? Do you notice buzzing, clicking, whistling, or even hissing sounds when nothing in your environment is making those noises? These sounds may be loud or soft, low in pitch or high. You may hear them in one or both ears, and they...

7 Causes of Hyperacusis and the Best Treatment Options Nov 5th, 2020

Hyperacusis is a condition in which you develop a sensitivity to certain everyday sounds. When you have hyperacusis, sounds that don’t bother other people seem extra loud or annoying to you. For example, you may feel bothered by the sounds of a dripping faucet, automobile traffic, or rustling paper. People...

What Happens if I Fail My Hearing Evaluation? Oct 7th, 2020

Hearing loss is a common problem, especially for older people. Roughly one in three Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 experience some type of hearing loss. And among people over the age of 75, about half have trouble hearing, according to the National Institute on Aging. Younger adults...

Understanding Misophonia and How it Can Trigger Negative Emotional Responses Sep 16th, 2020

Most people have not heard of misophonia. But it’s important to know about this condition because if you or someone you love develops it, it can have a big impact on the quality of life. Misophonia is a condition in which sounds affect you in a negative way. For example,...

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Is More Common Than You Think Aug 11th, 2020

If you think loud noise is little more than an annoyance, you may want to think again. Loud noise can permanently damage your hearing. In fact, noise is a top cause of hearing loss, according to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Noise-induced hearing loss may be more common than you realize....

What to Expect at Your Hearing Test Jul 15th, 2020

Are you having trouble hearing? A hearing test can check the health of your ears and the acuity of your hearing. It’s important not to put off having your hearing evaluated, because a hearing test can determine whether you're experiencing hearing loss or other potentially serious problems. Here at Sharp...

What is Hyperacusis? Jun 22nd, 2020

When you think about hearing problems, you probably imagine conditions related to hearing loss. That makes sense, hearing loss is a common problem. It impacts people of all ages. In fact, more than one-third of adults over 65 experience some form of hearing loss.  However, there are other types of...

What Can I Do About Tinnitus? Mar 10th, 2020

Are you hearing ringing, buzzing, clicking, or any other sound or sensation in your ears? You may have a condition known as tinnitus. It’s a common condition, impacting about 10% of Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health. Tinnitus can be frustrating because it can interfere with your hearing,...

3 Ways Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Everyday Life Feb 1st, 2020

Are you having trouble hearing the people around you? Do you find yourself increasingly isolated because you can’t participate in conversations? Are you worried about the impact hearing loss may have on your health and well-being? If so, now is a good time for you to consider getting hearing aids....

Misophonia: Why Certain Sounds Drive Some People Crazy Jan 3rd, 2020

Misophonia is a little understood, under-studied condition. If you have it, there are certain sounds that trigger a very strong, negative emotional response.  For example, the sound of someone chewing may make you so angry you find it difficult to control yourself. You may continue to hear the sound in...

Top Causes of Hearing Loss and How to Avoid Them Dec 9th, 2019

Over 48 million Americans suffer from some degree of hearing loss. Unfortunately, most of them wait an average of seven years before seeking help for their condition. In fact, only one out of every five people who could benefit from a hearing aid uses one. At Sharp Hearing Care Professionals,...